10 Min Abs Workout - At Home Abdominal and Oblique Exercises (2024)

Use this 10 Minute Abs Workout to focus on strengthening and toning your midsection. This workout can be used by itself or you can use it in addition to another routine to get some extra abdominal work. Though you only go through each exercise once, the 45 seconds straight for each move is more than enough to get a good burn.

Using this routine by itself:
If you are only doing this routine, we suggest doing it two to three times a day at random times throughout the day and do this daily set up three to four days out of the week. To get more muscle definition out of this workout, you also need to incorporate a reduced calorie diet and more physical activity to get rid of any excess fat content that may be covering your midsection.

Using this routine with other workouts:
If you are using this routine in conjunction with other workouts (we suggest doing it this way) then you don’t need to do it as often. On top of a regular workout program (2-4 days per week strength training plus 1-2 days per week 45-60 minutes cardio or 20-40 minutes HIIT; for example) then add this ab workout in on your cardio days and on two or all of your strength training days. On the cardio days you can do this ab routine before or after the cardio but on the strength training days try and do this routine at the opposite end of the day from your regular workout. This helps keep you from over stressing your core muscles, as well as increasing the number of calories burned in a day compared to doing both the strength and abs video at the same time.

Other free Fitness Blender workout videos to use with this abs workout:

  • HIIT Cardio and Abs Workout - Insane At Home Fat Burner - Interval Cardio Training and Core
  • 1000 Calorie Workout Video: 94 Minute Insane Bodyweight Workout Challenge - Attempt at Your Own Risk
  • Total Body Toning Strength and HIIT Cardio Workout - You vs You

For best results in belly fat loss, reaching a healthy bodyweight, and getting a lean, fit, healthy body check out Fitness Blender's 8 Week Fat Loss Programs and Meal Plans

Calories Burned:
A female weighing 140 pounds would burn an estimated 70 calories in the 10 minute of this routine. A male of 185 pounds would burn roughly 86.

Printable Abs Workout - The following is a list of the exercises you are going to be doing and the muscles they target.

Flutter Kicks: Though this motion does not cause the abs to move through a range of motion, they do cause the abs to contract to stabilize the hips. Focus on keeping your back on the ground to fully engage the stomach.

Rotation Reach Crunch: This motion not only works the abdominals but also targets the obliques because of the shoulder rotation.

Pilates Side Hip Raise: This focuses on the obliques and outside thigh for the motion but also uses the lower back and abdominals for support and balance.

Russian Twist: Using the abdominals and lower back for support, this exercise focuses on the rotational motion through the obliques. If you want to make this exercise a bit more challenging, lift your feet up off of the ground and you will also more heavily engage the hip flexors and quads, as they are called on to help you keep your balance.

Toe Touch Crunch: This is a great abdominal isolating exercise for both the upper and lower abs. To make sure you are getting the most out of this exercise, don’t let your abs relax when you are at the bottom of the crunch motion (when your shoulders are closer to the ground).

Pilates Leg Pulls (facing up): These work your lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. The hip flexor is also employed to complete the leg lifting motion and your quads are relied on for balance.

Pilates Leg Pulls (facing down): This facedown variation of the Pilates move also targets multiple major muscle groups, making it an excellent option for burning calories and toning up. You will feel this in your glutes, abdominals, lower back, hamstrings, deltoids, pecs, and quadriceps.

Pilates toe Taps: This is a simple move that is very effective at toning the abdominals and the front of the thighs. The constant tension in the abs makes this just slightly harder than it looks; be sure and keep your movements slow and controlled throughout the entire range of movement to keep it as effective as possible.

Knee Tuck Crunches: These are a great bodyweight exercise for abs that effectively engage the upper and lower abdominals simultaneously.

Remember that nutrition and eating habits are a huge part of having a flat stomach and defined ab muscles. Check out Fitness Blender Recipes for ideas on healthy meals.

10 Min Abs Workout - At Home Abdominal and Oblique Exercises (2024)


Is 10 minutes of exercise enough for abs? ›

Yes, 10 minutes is enough for an ab workout, especially if you're doing it more than once per week, and the exercises in the workout routine are challenging. The abdominal muscles are smaller than some of the other muscle groups in the human body, so you don't need to spend hours working them.

What exercise works abs and obliques? ›

That means moves like side planks and windmills will challenge your oblique muscles, as will any exercises that have you holding a load off-center while still trying to keep your hips and shoulders square.

Should you do abs or obliques first? ›

The best ab workouts should train all of the muscles and regions of the abs in the order of my Six Pack Progression: (1) lower abs (2) bottom up (3) obliques (4) mid-range (5) top-down rotation (6) top down.

Can you train abs and obliques everyday? ›

Generally speaking, Jay says, most people shouldn't do ab workouts more than six times a week. Not only do your abs need a break, but so does the rest of your body. Without at least one rest day per week, you aren't giving your body a fighting chance to recover from the workouts you put it through.

Do 10 minute AB workouts actually work? ›

There's a reason there are so many 10-minute abs workouts out there: You can get in a really good abs workout in just 10 minutes. It might not seem like a sufficient length of time, but if you've ever done a short but intense abs workout, you know that it is. (Even an abs workout as short as 4 minutes can be killer.)

Is 10 minutes of exercise enough to lose belly fat? ›

Aerobic or Cardio Exercise

Your first step in burning off visceral fat is including at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise or cardio into your daily routine. Studies show that aerobic exercises for belly fat help to reduce belly fat and liver fat.

How do you lose belly fat and obliques? ›

17 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Love Handles
  1. Cut out Added Sugar. Share on Pinterest. ...
  2. Focus on Healthy Fats. Filling up on healthy fats like avocados, olive oil, nuts, seeds and fatty fish can help slim your waistline. ...
  3. Fill up on Fiber. ...
  4. Move Throughout the Day. ...
  5. Stress Less. ...
  6. Lift Weights. ...
  7. Get Enough Sleep. ...
  8. Add in Whole-Body Moves.
Feb 14, 2023

Do obliques make your waist smaller? ›

Oblique training is an important part of any fitness routine. Not only do they help sculpt the waistline, but they also promote healthy mobility and form a strong base for other exercises. Here are some of the most important reasons you want to include great oblique workouts in your fitness program.

Should I do abs before losing belly fat? ›

Evidence shows that you can't lose belly fat by exercising your abs alone. For total-body fat loss, use a combination of aerobic exercise and resistance training, such as lifting weights. In addition, eat a healthy diet with plenty of protein, fiber and portion control — all of which are proven to help reduce body fat.

Should you do legs or abs first? ›

Speaking to Men's Health for an article titled Why You Should Work Your Abs First, Cosgrove says, “People achieve better results when they do core exercises at the beginning of their workout instead of the end. if you always train your core at the end of your workout, it'll never improve.”

Should I walk or do abs first? ›

If you're planning to start an exercise program and wondering where to begin, start with your core first, says physical therapist Brittany Smith, DPT. People often think of the core muscles as being the abdominal muscles, but the core includes the muscles in the abdomen, back and hips, all working together as a group.

How to tighten stomach muscles in 2 weeks? ›

7 Best Ab Exercises
  1. Isometric Tabletop Press.
  2. Double Leg Circles.
  3. Sprinter Crunch.
  4. High Plank With Knee to Elbow.
  5. Side Plank Knee to Chest.
  6. Plank Reach.
  7. Standing Woodchop.
Jul 14, 2024

Will core exercises flatten the stomach? ›

Benefits of Core Workouts

Planks also provide that toned, defined look that you may have been pursuing with sit-ups or crunches. Unfortunately, ab workouts alone won't give you a flat stomach. In fact, you can't target where you want to burn fat. You have to work on burning fat overall.

What is the best time for abs workout? ›

But, doing abs workout exercises at home in the afternoon or early in the evening is scientifically proven to be the most suitable time of the day. Morning time for an abs workout is not considered efficient because our body gets stiff during the early hours.

How many minutes should I exercise to get abs? ›

If you have excess fat and you want a six-pack, your first step is to get your body mass index down to the level where your abdominal muscles can be visible. Start by doing 15 minutes of intense exercise after work. Harness the power of habit.

Can a 10 minute workout be effective? ›

Studies show that exercising for just 10 minutes can boost your physical fitness, energy and mood. In fact, there's a lot of research to support short workouts. A recent study found that taking an 11 minute daily walk can reduce your risk of disease and early death.

Does a 10 minute workout count? ›

Whether you've only got a little time to spare (we know how it can be) or you're not feeling up to hitting the gym for an hour, you might be surprised to know that just 10 minutes of exercise can have lots of benefits for your body and mind! Here are just 5 of them…

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10 Minute No Equipment Ab Workout
  1. MOUNTAIN CLIMBER TWIST: Get into full plank position with your core engaged. ...
  5. PLANK UP: ...


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